Minimum Advertised Pricing Policy (MAP)

January 1, 2024

Innersense, Inc. (“Innersense”) actively supports the advertising, marketing and promotion of its products by its dealers and distributors (“Resellers”), through various methods, including providing advertising materials. Through these and
other activities, Innersense has built a strong reputation and following among consumers. Innersense has determined that it and its Resellers shall not support any advertising, or promotional activities that have the effect of diminishing or
detracting from the perceived value of Innersense products.

Moreover, Innersense recognizes that its Resellers deliver an extraordinary customer experience through knowledgeable staff and compelling vendor presentation. To support its Resellers’ efforts to maintain operations consistent with the high level of customer excellence that purchasers have come to expect from Innersense Resellers, Innersense has adopted a MINIMUM ADVERTISED PRICE POLICY (“MAP Policy”) based on its experience that Reseller advertising and sales practices which promote Innersense products with an emphasis on “price” could become detrimental to its Resellers’ service and support efforts and to Innersense’s competitive position. Such activities could harm Innersense’s brand, reputation and competitiveness. In addition, such activities may allow some Resellers to take advantage of the service and support efforts of other Resellers and to “free ride” on those efforts. Innersense believes these practices to be unfair to the majority of its Resellers and thus discourages such efforts.
This MAP Policy has been unilaterally adopted by Innersense and does constitute an agreement with any Reseller. Innersense believes that this MAP Policy will bolster the position of Innersense as a premier manufacturer of high-quality
products and will protect the image and reputation of Innersense in the marketplace. The MAP Policy is designed to ensure that all Innersense Resellers have the incentive to invest time and resources into promotion, marketing and
customer service for customers. The policy applies to all U.S. Resellers. This policy is effective for each Reseller upon notice of it and shall be void where
prohibited by law. The guidelines established by Innersense for its MAP Policy are as follows:

1. The MAP price for Innersense’ products shall be the price set forth on a then-current MAP Price List published to Resellers by Innersense which may be adjusted by Innersense at any time at its sole discretion. Innersense’ Resellers are responsible for remaining current with the Innersense MAP Policy, applicable products, and current MAP pricing.

2. This MAP Policy applies to any and all advertisements of Innersense products in any and all media, including, without limitation, flyers, posters, coupons, mailers, inserts, newspapers, magazines, catalogs, mail order catalogs,
Internet or similar electronic media including websites, electronic newsletters and email, television, radio, and public signage. Pricing on an internet site is considered an advertised price. If a Reseller with multiple websites violates this
MAP Policy as to any individual website, then Innersense may view that violation as extending to all of the Reseller’s retail or online locations. The MAP Policy does not apply to in-store advertising at physical locations.

3. The bundling of goods or the inclusion in advertising of free or discounted products (whether made by Innersense or any other party) with a product covered by the Innersense MAP Policy would be contrary to this policy if it has the effect of discounting the advertised price of the covered product below the MAP. Advertising that includes “additional discounts,” gift cards, coupons, points or other incentives for future purchases will be evaluated under this same guideline.

4. The MAP Policy applies only to advertised prices and does not apply to the price at which any Innersense product is actually sold or offered for sale to an individual consumer within the Reseller’s physical retail location, on the Internet,
by mail or over the telephone. Innersense Resellers remain free to sell Innersense products at any prices they choose. Although each Reseller remains free to sell Innersense products at any price they may elect, Innersense remains free to
cancel all orders and indefinitely refuse to accept any new orders from any Reseller once Innersense has established to its satisfaction that a Reseller or a Resellers’ customer has advertised any Innersense products at a net retail price less than the then-current MAP price established by Innersense, or that the Reseller or any of Reseller’s customers has otherwise violated the Innersense MAP Policy in any other way.1690.050\9970 2 2024

6. The MAP Policy does not establish maximum advertised prices. Resellers may offer Innersense products at any price in excess of the MAP established for any Innersense product. Innersense acknowledges that each Innersense Reseller
can and will make its own decisions, without consulting or advising Innersense, to advertise or sell any Innersense product at any price it chooses. Innersense similarly has the right, at any time, to make its own independent decision regarding reseller future participation in Innersense sales or programs.

7. Innersense’ MAP Policy does not in any way limit the ability of any Reseller to advertise that “they have the lowest prices,” that they “will meet or beat any competitor’s price,” that consumers should “call for a price” or phrases of
similar import as long as the price advertised or listed for the products is not less than the MAP. It shall not be a violation of this MAP Policy to advertise that a customer may “email for a price”, “call for a price,” or to use similar wording
regarding Innersense’ products, provided that no price lower than the MAP is listed in the advertisement.

8. At times Innersense may discontinue certain products or engage in promotions with respect to certain products. In such event, Innersense reserves the right to modify or suspend the MAP with respect to the affected products. Innersense
further reserves the right to adjust the MAP with respect to all or certain products from time to time at its sole discretion. All changes will be effective upon providing a revised MAP Price List or posting a revised MAP Price List on the
Innersense website,

9. All questions regarding this MAP Policy shall be in writing and be directed solely to the Innersense [ Title] ______________ at No oral communications with Innersense regarding this MAP Policy are authorized. No Innersense employee or sales representative other than [_________] has any authority to discussor modify this MAP Policy. No Innersense employee other than [_________], including Innersense sales representatives are permitted to discuss this MAP Policy, nor are they authorized to make any agreements or provide any assurances with respect to Innersense’ Policy regarding MAP advertising or pricing, nor any consumer program or promotion that affects MAP Products. Innersense reserves the right to modify suspend or cancel this MAP Policy at any time.

10. Innersense will make all decisions concerning compliance with, and enforcement of this MAP Policy. Innersense may unilaterally without notice impose such sanctions as it determines are appropriate in its sole discretion for any violation of this MAP Policy, including without limitation cancellation of orders, restriction on future orders, revocation of any permissions granted by Innersense to use any Innersense print or digital materials and termination of Innersense's business relationship with Reseller.

11. This MAP Policy supersedes and replaces any policy of Innersense concerning minimum advertised price of Innersense products.